Mar 25Liked by Cassandra's Box

I took my boys to a butterfly observatory today. Let them play in a place I took them to play when they were smaller, when I was more hopeful about how their lives might go. I watched them play amongst children much smaller, their maturing bodies an odd contrast to the other kids, yet the play was the same.

I sat next to two ladies who were doing the usual talk. Kids, school, activities. One said to the other that her oldest had autism, so… The other said, oh? Like how severe? She responded, oh, not TOO bad…more like so and so. The other lady nodded knowingly.

The anger is hard to keep at bay some days. When? When will we be able to make them acknowledge what they are doing. It’s going to swallow them whole when it finally breaks. It’s coming.

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Mar 26Liked by Cassandra's Box

I love your writing! So beautiful, so poignant. So heart breaking and heart swelling at the same time. Thank you.

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Apr 8Liked by Cassandra's Box

Hope you are ok.

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I told yet another neighbor a few days ago that I am a "Targeted Individual", i.e. someone who has been and continues to be harassed and tortured by the invisible "intelligence" agencies, i.e. the hidden/ secret/ invisible forces of the CIA/FBI and other "intelligence" agencies. She told me that one of her three children, a boy, is autistic. I wanted to ask her more about that, but I refrained.

Many of the strange and seemingly irrelevant "replies" to your Substack are from the ringleader of the gang who are persecuting me. She uses innumerable "handles" (an ever-increasing number of them). Those weird and incomprehensible posts are meant for me, not you, but there's no way you could possibly know that. If I ever fail to "like" one of your posts, it means that the people who are torturing and targeting me have finally killed me, either overtly or covertly.

I refer you to https://www.targetedjustice.com/ for more information. I've been subjected - and continue to be subjected - to everything described in this website except for the stuff about driving a car, because I neither own nor drive a car. This phenomenon is not limited to the United States, alas. The DEW technology was developed in the US shortly after the end of WW2, by Nazi scientists which the US imported eagerly and assiduously after WW2. Operation Paperclip was the code name of the operation to import the Nazi scientists. They imported Japanese scientists too.

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