Jul 16, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023Liked by Cassandra's Box

Why are there no comments? I guess it's because the suffering which Rachel describes in this post is too horrible for most people to even begin to contemplate.

The awful fact is that this suffering is much more common that even she imagines. I myself know several vax-injured people who committed suicide, though they hadn't been officially acknowledged as such. My life partner was one of them. He described himself to me as "on the spectrum," and I agreed with him. He had lifelong issues with impulse control, and found himself physically abusing women, without any prior intention of doing so. He ended up committing suicide a few months after this happened when he was visiting his aged mother. She called the police on him, and he languished in jail for a month because his brother refused to bail him out. He hanged himself a half year later, but this experience was only one contributing factor to his suicide, not the main reason for it.

I'm also severely vax-injured, though I didn't realize this until after I was violently sickened and injured by the Pfizer covid injections in the spring of 2021. This is true of much of the entire contemporary population, almost all of whom have been injured by early childhood vaccines, though very few of them are aware of this. Neurological and immunological vaccine damage is so ubiquitous that exceedingly few people realize it's the cause of most of our contemporary societal problems and physical illness.

I don't know very many people, because I've been horribly shy ever since I was vax-injured as a young child, but even so, I know of almost half a dozen people who committed suicide. Two hanged themselves: one was my life partner, and the other was the second husband of my youngest sister; both ended their lives within the space of about ten months of one another. Another set himself on fire after dousing himself with gasoline, when he was a teenager; another, the father of that same sister’s first husband, shot himself with a rifle shortly before their marriage; (this was a terrible, traumatic surprise and mystery to all involved – the extended families of both bride and groom - and seems to have had nothing to do with his son’s imminent marriage to my sister); and at least one other killed himself via parasuicidal behavior: he flew his small airplane in inclement weather against the advice of the air control authorities, and he died when his airplane crashed.

A sister of someone who I'd been friends with, until she murdered her own mother with her bare hands, killed herself by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge when she was about twenty years old. I didn't know her; my ex-friend told me about her sister's suicide many years later. She didn't die immediately; she was rescued and died of her injuries in the hospital a short time later. A young man who a friend of mine had had a sexual affair with either killed himself or tried to do so when she ended their relationship. I know of other suicides, as well, but I didn't have direct, personal connections to them or to their relatives/friends, though in one case the suicide feels as tragic and devastating to me as if I had known him personally. That person was Liam Scarlett.

I tried to kill myself when I was in my early twenties. I'd been suicidal for a long time before I tried. However, having tried and failed, I went on with my life as best I could, which was not very well. I remained trapped in a destructive, extreme, debilitating eating disorder, and fell victim to disastrous relationships, the last of which ended up by me being targeted with stealth weapons (directed energy weapons) and the complete invasion of my privacy by the wife of a man I'd had a brief affair with. This stealth weapons attack has gone on for nearly half my life, at this point, which means it’s gone on for over three decades. It entails my never being able to sleep deeply, and to the extent that I sleep at all, it’s in a nonrestorative way, such that I never feel rested, nor even vaguely functional, when I finally drag myself out of bed. I need to spend over twelve hours every day in bed to be the slightest bit functional the next day. Most victims of directed energy weapons commit suicide, for good reason. If I were not spiritually grounded, I'd have killed myself too, long ago. My point here is that I'm absolutely certain that none of this Hell would have happened had I not been severely neurologically injured by early childhood vaccines.

None of what I've written in this comment is meant to minimize the horrific suffering of autistic people, who've been catastrophically injured by childhood vaccines. It's simply meant to enlarge the scope of the discussion.

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You can buy the book second hand on amazon for 45 dollars or so.

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