The History of Vaccination
Vaccination was invented during the transition from the feudal age to the capitalist age, the transition from the spiritual age to the scientific age. As such vaccination is touted as one of the major achievements of that scientific age that is said to mark human progress. The official narrative regarding vaccination is this upward trajectory of saving lives through the conquest of disease. As Nature is subjected to conquest by the machines of the Industrial Revolution, and the ‘savages’ that represent Nature are subject to conquest by the gun, Nature’s ‘weapon’ against Man, disease, is subject to conquest by the needle.
Such a narrative, of course, is entirely reductionist: as the holistic skill of the artisan was reduced to excruciating specialism in a tiny part of a whole by the capitalist mode of production, the intricate complexity of the human immune system, with interlocking parts not fully understood by even the most advanced immunologist, is reduced to a crude production of antibodies by vaccination. The inevitable interplay of microbes and humans – distorted by the strain of industrial societies on the human immune system – is reduced to a one sided narrative of war.
Vaccination is the conquest of nature, but also represents the domination of man over woman, male supremacy. Before the modern era medicine was often the preserve of the wise woman or witch. The demonisation of such women was vital, crucial for the domination of the male doctor to fully emerge. Vaccination is merely the ultimate step in that domination. Forgive me a little psychoanalytic speculation – the injection is his hard, throbbing prick; through it the doctor spreads his seed and creates twisted, broken children in his image, this makes him a god. Mother speaks reality, ‘my child was not like this before the vaccine’, and the male doctor and the male medical establishment silence her.
The Cult of the Needle
Vaccination is nothing but an invention of the most dogmatic religion ever known to man. That religion is science, shall we say, science of a most specific kind. Not science in the sense of gathering of evidence and a critical mindset, but science as conquest. And not religion in the sense of spirituality, the perception of the Divine, or any such thing, but religion in the sense of a formal doctrinaire belief beyond question.
That science and that religion exist as a crude, one sided reduction of reality into terms that can be written in a slogan: ‘Vaccines save lives’, ‘Vaccines are safe and effective’, ‘Without vaccines we would all die of measles/polio/Covid’. Vaccines are not science, because vaccination never has to prove itself scientific. The crude, ridiculous, absurd, notion of vaccination – the fundamental lie – that needle = antibodies = protection – cannot be scientific in any sense other than that of the most vulgar scientism. That these antibodies exist is in itself considered proof of faith. No-one has to prove these antibodies mean anything – we found them, so that means vaccination works. Even in the absurd case with Covid – where the manufacturers stated that these antibodies are not a proven established correlate of protection – the vaccinal antibody is exalted as the ultimate evidence.
The Vaccination Cycle of Abuse
As vaccination spreads throughout society, becomes the norm, the accepted, the beatified, so develops the vaccination cycle of abuse. Those that are vaccinated as children become damaged by that vaccination. The toxins in the vaccines enter the brain and begin to wreak their havoc.
What happens to these people? I am not talking about those killed or severely maimed by vaccination here, but rather those who go on to have somewhat normal lives. They help to build the vaccination-industrial complex you see around you. They go to work in the hospitals which promote vaccination. They go to work in the schools that promote vaccination. They go to work in the GPs’ offices that dole out vaccination. They go to work at the universities that produce scientific papers justifying vaccination. They work at the Pharma companies that produce vaccination. They work at the banks that finance the vaccine companies. They work at other businesses involved in the supply chain of goods to these industries that promote vaccination, and more and more, with ‘covid’ directly promote vaccination themselves. They donate to charities that promote vaccination in developing countries. They vote for the politicians that promote vaccination. Their taxes fund vaccination. Their pension funds invest in vaccination. And most of all, they perpetuate the vaccine crime against their own children. Everyone who lives in Vaccine Society contributes to the perpetration of Vaccine Society, to a greater or lesser extent.
The collective immorality of this system in itself helps to sustain it. That something is so normalised makes it hard to believe that it could be so depraved. But it also binds us together by guilt – to take part in it is to be guilty – even to the extent that one has no choice to survive in the world. The people working in the healthcare institutions – the people who have the potential to see the most harm from vaccination – are those most intertwined with the guilt of producing the damaged goods on the vaccine conveyor belt, those who are most indoctrinated into the vaccination cult. A mixture of factors sustains this: denial being one of the most important. Some see it, but live that contradiction. Maybe they don’t directly give vaccinations and justify that their role in the system does more good than harm. Or perhaps it’s just self interest – everyone knows that questioning vaccines simply isn’t good for your career – and damn, years of your life went into making that career. For some, it is pure sadism, gratuitous pleasure in the cycle of abuse. And some will quietly exit, seek ‘oblivion in suicide’1 when they can no longer bear their role as society’s perverse god. Only a small number leave the mainstream medical profession and speak out and accept the demonisation of society.
But the Vaccination Cycle of Abuse is even beyond this in its depravity. The brain damage induced by vaccination makes it more difficult to break out of the cycle of abuse. The harm done to those centres of the brain means that the full capacity of the human being is not and cannot be developed and this includes our morality. We are made perverse, a facsimile of humanity.
Vaccination Abolition
To the extent that there is any hope for humanity the only solution can be vaccination abolition. The cult of vaccination must be broken.
Unfortunately many are still lost in the cult, and with the mRNA ‘vaccines’ and the risks of that poison getting into the germ line (we know it congregates in the gonads) that makes any task of saving humanity from this madness ever harder. It may already be too late for an unpolluted humanity to exist outside of Africa, which is very lightly ‘vaccinated’. In fact I think any salvation may rest on how many of those doses were saline (or so degraded to produce no mRNA biological effect) – I know there has been a large amount of speculation about this question. I take no position though the clear difference between batches and reported ‘vaccine’ injuries does prove that some doses are more dangerous than others (but doesn’t necessarily prove that the less bad batches contained saline or extremely degraded product). The possibility that babies from birth are spike protein factories as induced via their mother’s ‘vaccination’ for Covid is utterly horrifying but the idea must be broached. There could be other effects induced via the lipid nanoparticles as these could affect the ova and sperm in the gonads (even upon the theory that the Covid virus doesn’t exist although if that theory is true we are in a stronger position).
What must we do?
The first thing we have to do is look at ourselves. Obviously, we need to decline and reject every single vaccination for ourselves, our children. But much harder than this, we need to try and walk away from the system as much as possible. No-one can avoid some complicity in the system unless they are willing to starve to death. But you need to try and position yourself in a job role where you are doing the least amount of harm and have the least amount of complicity possible in vaccination. Certainly the vast majority of people working in healthcare – any mainstream medical institution – should leave and refuse complicity in the system any longer. If you donate to charity, you should stop, although I imagine that most people reading this don’t. This is because charities claiming to do good work abroad promote and push vaccination, and pretty much all of them promote the Covid ‘vaccine’. Many of them, such as National Autistic Society or Alzheimer’s Society, exist to normalise the effects of the poisoning we undergo. Even pet charities promote pet vaccination. There may be local/smaller groups that are an exception to this rule but the larger ones probably should be avoided.
The harder part is accepting our pariah status. The above things can be done quietly. If you talk about this issue you will become a pariah. There is no other choice. So psychologically prepare yourself for that role. Many people, of course, have already experienced this pariah status via their objection to the Official Covid Narrative and so are prepared to take their pariah status to the next level by becoming fully anti-vaccine. We must get as many of the people who questioned the Covid ‘vaccine’ (whether before, or after, taking it) over to the fully anti-vaccine side. People who have children and did not inject them with the Covid poison are top of this list (in order to protect the children from other vaccinations – sadly those fanatical enough to inject their children with the Covid shot probably cannot be saved. I want to save all children, of course, but I don’t have a practical solution on this point).
As for healing from vaccination damage? Of course, we should try to bend societal resources towards real help for the vaccine-injured. But for some of us, it is already too late. The poisons have already wreaked too much havoc, we are already too damaged to live in a sane, post-vaccine society. We cannot relate to healthy humanity, nor do we understand it. So the war cannot be for ourselves. It is for those for whom it is not too late, whoever that remains to be.
Thomas Szasz’s phraseology in The Manufacture of Madness, discussing the high suicide rate among psychiatrists. “The oppressor [becomes] a megalomanical, godlike figure. Once [the psychiatrist realises] that he is but a mockery of God, the result is often explosive violence…the victimiser [seeks] oblivion in suicide.”, Syracuse University Press, 1970, p. 41. Doctors are known to have a higher suicide rate than the general population. Mainstream opinion puts this down to higher exposure to death due to the profession. While death desensitation plays a role in suicide, in my opinion, Szasz’s theory is closer to the mark.
Image Source: Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich on
A brilliant essay! The pro-vaxxers try to demonize all of us who are opposed to vaccination calling us "anti-vax." At this point I accept their epithet with open arms. Yeah I am proud to be "anti-vax" and liken "Vaccination, A Counter Narrative" to one of those broadsides put up in taverns during The Revolutionary War!
“Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and his “patient” Buster Keaton join forces to remind us “Trust the Science.” Watch the hit music video TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG here:
BONUS: Free PDF Download. BEST OF SUBSTACK VOLUME 1. Gems culled from Best Substacks with links to the full article.
The Vaccinated Have Been PUNKED
For Believing
The Unbelievable.