I just stumbled across your site, have read a few articles and just subscribed. I think it's funny we used the same character from Greek mythology for our respective blogs, as mine also addresses autism and "neurodiversity", and I also have a bunch of issues with the neurodiversity movement. I haven't had a chance to read everything you've written, but I've learned a fair bit about the vaccines-autism link from you, and appreciate this. I've been somewhat agnostic on the issue, but started coming around to the antivax arguments after Covid and after I read a study showing a link between Tylenol use before and after childhood vaccines and increased rates of autism (Tylenol depletes glutathione, which would impair the body's ability to get rid of heavy metals etc). My question is, do you think vaccines are the primary cause of autism? I've done a fair bit of research and found multiple other causes (I don't think what is loosely categorized as "autism" is one condition however; I'm interested in how multiple causal factors can intersect, e.g. what makes some children more vulnerable to vaccine injury over others).

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Apr 9, 2023Liked by Cassandra's Box

Wow. I so appreciate this perspective. I find many similarities to intersex.

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This is devastatingly powerful.

I read the article Aluminium in Brain Tissue in Autism, which you linked to, and felt sick doing so. Now I'm wondering why you didn't mention mercury as another well-known neurotoxin which has been extensively used in vaccines. Isn't it still being used? Even if not (though I suspect it is) those of us who were born in earlier decades (I was born in 1956) got plenty of it in our childhood vaccines, right? (Any amount is too much.)

The entire toxic, allopathic medical model needs to be destroyed. It is sick at its core. But it's really a symptom of a greater sickness: our divorce from nature. Humanity's contemporary high-tech culture needs to be destroyed. I believe it will either self-destruct or Gaia will see to it that it is, as was Atlantis.

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