This article isn’t serious. It’s just taking the piss. We are going to break down a couple of articles from the MSM about one of their hate figures Dr. Andrew Wakefield. As we shall see, the media’s propaganda is pathetic, but you don’t need me to point that out. I’m just trying to be funny. (And I felt like some media arseholes deserved my undying scorn). I wrote this a while ago but because I am currently overwhelmed with crap I am struggling to finish research on more topics. So you all can have this instead.
Speaking in the measured, authoritative tones of an expert,
Yeah cos he is one.
Andrew Wakefield delivered his considered judgment on the coronavirus pandemic.
I have no doubt his judgement is more ‘considered’ than the people screeching about how we were all gonna die and posting feverish ‘case’ counts every day as if that shit was relevant to anything. (Remember when they did that in 2020? It seems surreal.)
For Wakefield, it’s not just an alarming time but also a heartening one. A poll found nearly a third of British people are either unsure or definitely wouldn’t take a vaccine for coronavirus.
You don’t need to support Andrew Wakefield to figure out that taking a product rushed to market based on a new technology never used on mass scale in humans before is kind of a bad fucking idea.
The survey was conducted for the Centre for Countering Digital Hate, which also found that almost 60 million people in the UK and U.S. subscribe to anti-vaxxer content on social media.
The Centre for Countering Digital Hate, you mean, the organisation who is less than transparent with who funds them, according to Dr Joseph Mercola? That one? Besides, what has ‘hate’ got to do with anything? If I state, “All vaccines are dangerous” what is ‘hateful’ about that? When I think of hate, I think of the Azov Battalion or something – oh no wait, sorry, they are now the Heroes Of Ukraine, I wasn’t up to date there with the latest Official Narrative, I apologise.
For the so-called anti-vaxxers
Funny you say ‘so-called’ because it’s generally you guys who call people that (even if they are not anti-vaxxers).
— for whom Wakefield remains a hero —
Yeah, so?
a world forced to communicate largely on the internet is a world particularly vulnerable to their scientific lies and twisted conspiracy theories.
Whose fault is that? Maybe you should have predicted that in Event 201. (They probably did predict that in Event 201).
During a ‘health freedom’ summit in May, Wakefield, the boyfriend of supermodel Elle ‘The Body’ Macpherson, looked cool and relaxed in a black yoga T-shirt as he chatted by video link to an adoring blonde interviewer.
Why is the interviewer’s hair colour relevant to this discussion? Outside of ‘haha look at the thick blonde bimbo’ garden variety misogyny?
‘One of the main tenets of mandatory vaccination has been fear, and never have we seen fear exploited in the way we do now with the coronavirus infection,’ he said.
Citing what he called ‘unambiguous’ evidence that the coronavirus is no more deadly than seasonal flu, and claiming that the pathogen’s death toll had been greatly exaggerated, Wakefield said the crisis had led to ‘a destruction of the economy, a destruction of people and families, and unprecedented violations of health freedom… and it’s all based upon a fallacy’.
Literally none of that is false.
I thought you were supposed to be making the case that Wakefield is a ‘conspiracy theorist’?
Describing vaccines as ‘intrinsically unsafe’,
True. Every single Big Pharma drug can cause significant harm to people who are susceptible to harm from that particular intervention. Vaccines aren’t exempt because magical fairy dust.
(I mean, I’d go a lot further than that, but you don’t need to for the statement to be true).
this valiant truth-teller called on free-thinking people to refuse to be vaccinated against Covid-19 if and when a jab becomes available.
If you are going to be as much of an idiot as you obviously are, don’t try the sarcasm game. Leave that to me.
‘If?’ lol as if they were ever going to let us off the hook by not introducing a vaccine.
Convincing his disciples that he was the victim of a conspiracy by the pharmaceutical industry, medical establishment and media, Wakefield now neatly argues that the same shadowy cabal are lying to the public about coronavirus.
“His disciples”? Seriously?
Having terrified one generation of parents — leading, some believe, to a spike in measles among children and a number of deaths in countries where a minority have promoted his claims — Wakefield is spreading fear and misinformation again.
Yeah guys Andy Wakefield is spreading fear. Not the guys who told you, ‘act like you’ve got it, don’t kill your grandma, cases are skyrocketing, hospitals are overwhelmed, we’re all gonna die’, they were just being rational and level headed and objective.
Critics also dismiss their hysteria about ‘compulsory’ vaccination as a red herring: this is illegal in Britain and has not been proposed in America.
Yeah this didn’t age well.
Interviewed for a TV series misleadingly called The Truth About Vaccines, Wakefield claimed that vaccines ‘are going to kill us’
This didn’t age well either. Yeah you might wanna google ‘died suddenly’.
Wakefield is handsome, charismatic and charming, and it’s no coincidence most of his supporters are women, often well-educated and well-heeled mothers.
Yeah, those women don’t support Andrew Wakefield because they saw their child regress after a vaccine and know what they saw, and he is one of the few people who will acknowledge that what they saw is real while the whole world tells them ‘it wasn’t the vaccine’. They just support him because they are sexually attracted to him. Amazing ‘logic’ on display from this writer.
While credulous celebrities are not exactly thin on the ground, anti-vaxxers have been delighted to welcome a more valuable ally in their efforts — an immunologist at University College Dublin named Prof Dolores Cahill. Dismissing the ‘hysteria’ over the pandemic, Cahill claimed that if people boosted their immune system with vitamins C and D and zinc supplements, 99 per cent could experience ‘just normal flu symptoms’ from Covid-19 and then be immune to the virus.
Cahill promoting the ‘conspiracy theory’ that Vit C, D, And Zinc improve the immune system. You can’t even take the piss out of this, it’s so ridiculous.
She further claimed that vaccines contain harmful ingredients such as aluminium or mercury
This quote doesn’t specify ‘vaccines’ for Covid – is the author of this article seriously trying to pretend vaccines don’t contain aluminium when it’s literally the adjuvant in most vaccines and that this fact is some sort of nutcase ‘claim’ by Cahill?
(and yes some of them still have mercury)
Wakefield lends arguments to people exasperated by the lockdown seeking to justify their rebellion against it, said Tara Smith, an infectious disease expert at Kent State University in Ohio, who has researched the anti-vaccine movement.
I have autism and I support Andrew Wakefield, research that. I’d like to see your theories on that one, go ahead.
Actually scratch that, I know what your theory would be. That I am just ‘self-hating’ and just need to see the magical land of neurodiversity and then I would live happily ever after. I’d still like to see you peddle it for a laugh though.
She wasn’t remotely surprised that Wakefield has latched on to coronavirus.
Wakefield didn’t have to ‘latch onto’ shit. You shoved Covid down our throats 24/7 for 2 years. Of course the whole world was bloody commenting on it at that point!
‘He has a huge following, it’s almost cult-like. Despite everything he’s done, they adore him.’
Yeah, it’s antivaxxers that are in a cult. Obviously.
Next let’s take the article that the Times put out in Feb 2023.
The latest figures show only 89.2 per cent of one-year-old children received their first dose of the MMR jab in 2021-22, down from a peak of 92.7 per cent in 2013-14. It was the first time the figure had fallen below 90 per cent since 2010-11. Uptake of the second dose also fell to the lowest level in a decade at 85.7 per cent. Both doses are needed for full protection. [my emphasis]
When the MMR was first introduced [1988 in the United Kingdom] there was only one dose. Hence, I only had one dose of the MMR vaccine (that’s enough of that poison, thank you) – I guess I’m not ‘fully protected’ against measles, mumps and rubella. My life is still fucked though because of this poison (most likely the Pluserix vaccine they literally stopped using because it was too fucking dangerous as well, see image below and my post on Urabe vaccines) and I’m not even ‘fully protected’. Thanks for that, vaccine fanatics, go fuck yourselves.
Of course, no one else will bring up the fact that the only reason they had to introduce another dose is because the ‘protection’ from the MMR isn’t effective. Oh, don’t think it’s just the Covid jabs where they keep adding more doses! No!
The latest survey of 1,485 parents with children aged under four by the UK Health Security Agency found that 91 per cent think vaccines are safe. It also found 15 per cent of parents had seen on social media, or heard through friends, something that made them worried about their child being vaccinated.
Only 15%? Need to up our game, antivaxxers!
This suggested a “shockingly high” number of people have been regularly exposed to material causing them to question the safety of vaccines, said Imran Ahmed, chief executive of the Centre for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), which monitors antivax content closely.
Oh this lot again.
[Wakefield] has used his Autism Media Channel to make videos asserting a link between autism and the MMR vaccine.
Yeah, that’s kind of his thing, have you not been paying attention for the past 25 years?
In interviews, he has said that autism is an “epidemic”
How is this NOT an epidemic???
and predicts one in 32 children will have autism in the US by 2030.
Pretty sure his prediction for 2030 is higher than this.
Meanwhile, it is one in 30 NOW so how is he wrong?!
To his supporters, he sells “Andrew Wakefield was right” T-shirts for $20.
Oh dear god the horror. I guess we should also cancel M&S. After all they sell t-shirts online too!
“Parents searching for answers about illnesses that come down to the lottery of genetics and disease are quite often susceptible to answers where there is a villain,” Ahmed said. “Bad actors like Wakefield know that by giving people a form of false hope mingled with blame they can create further advocates for their lies.”
Yeah because parents are too stupid to notice when their child regresses after a vaccine. Need I remind the author that it was the parents of the children in the Lancet study who said their children regressed after the MMR?
Though his mainstream social media following is small, his influence comes through backing other antivax projects and other antivaxers promoting Wakefield’s films, the CCDH said.
Stop the press! This genius at the “Centre for Countering Digital Hate” has figured out how the internet works! If people like content online they share it and recommend it! Heck forget the internet, how about this is how real life works? I thought it was supposed to be me with the shitty social skills.
Those include Robert F Kennedy Jr, the nephew of the former US president John F Kennedy, and the American television producer Del Bigtree, who leads a Texas-based antivax group.
Yeah, we know who RFK, Jr. is.
The author does know that Vaxxed: From Cover Up to Catastrophe is also Bigtree’s film as he was a producer on it? Actually probably not. That would involve research.
If the vaccines worked
It would mean that those who have
Died Suddenly
Would be dying from something else (Covid)
Everyone would NEED the vaccine.
And the pharmaceutical companies
Would be shouting from the rooftops
About those who are dying suddenly.
Very well said, your style is just up my street. It is interesting to read the Daily Mail comments which seem to be generally understanding the fraud of the article.
Mind you it is so OTT that it makes me wonder if it wasn't deliberate to see who would work out the truth. After all it gives lots of hints to the wise about what to research. I call this all a test, the Great Retest.
Anyway, many thanks and keep up the good work.